Leadership Skills

Entrepreneurship Skills

Leadership Skills

Welcome to

Youth in Africa

Youth in Africa is a Pan- African Organisation with the mandate of equipping youth with relevant skills in the 21st century, to make them more competitive, resourceful and independent. We endeavour to harness their strengths, equip and empower them for transformation. When they are equipped with knowledge and skills they can impact and transform their lives, their societies and the continent at large
What we offer

For your personal growth

We offer Targeted skills and trainings( leadership, entrepreneurship,
career, digital skills, etc) alongside the following

Mentorship and Coaching
Global Platform to showcase talent, skills and business
Global networking platform
Mentorship and Coaching
Global Platform to showcase talent, skills and business
Global networking platform

Our Programs

To effectively accomplish our objectives and mandate we
have a series of programs that we use to reach and engage
our members and youth across the continent, to equip them
with the skills that they need to excel.

The Grassroots Leadership Program (GLP)
We hold this program country by country, where we engage a conversation with youth in a particular country.
SkillsDev Program
This program seeks to provide both soft and hard skills in different areas of growth on a daily basis.
Digital Skills
Hard Skills eg Graphic design, Website Design,Soap Making, Bead Making, Cookery, Tailoring etc.

Membership is open for any youth in the continent and abroad to be part of this mastermind network of youth leaders.

Membership fee is USD 5 valid for 48 months.

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